Pregnancy Massage

Massage therapists use a combination of Swedish and Remedial Massage techniques to assist with the tensions and pains experienced during pregnancy. These are often caused by the extra weight and shift in the centre of gravity. There are many physical benefits to Pregnancy Massage, in addition to the nurturing and emotional support provided by the therapist. Massage reduces peripheral swelling, soothes the nervous system, helps to prevent insomnia, muscle cramps and back pain.

Care must be taken during the first trimester but Pregnancy Massage is beneficial throughout the whole pregnancy. Various techniques are used as the client progresses through the pregnancy and massage may be performed whilst they are lying on their side or seated and can be supported by pillows. Once the pregnancy is advanced, clients are discouraged from lying on their back as this may cause pressure on deep blood vessels.

If you would like more information, please contact Gen or to book now using the Make an Appointment button.